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माननीय संजीव अग्रवाल विधायक बरेली को स्कार्फ़ पहना स्वागत करते हुए

स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर प्रभात फेरी,जागरूक रैली निकालते स्काउट एंड गाइड्स

करे योग रहे निरोग ।

HSG Trg camp

Scout and guides camp org by Dr Manoj Sindhi

समर कैम्प

कमांडों स्काउट ट्रैनिंग

Cub/Bulbul and scout/guide camp

Cub/Bulbul and scout/guide camp

Cub/Bulbul and scout/guide camp

Cub/Bulbul and scout/guide camp

Cub/Bulbul and scout/guide camp

Cub/Bulbul and scout/guide camp

Cub/Bulbul and scout/guide camp

तिरंगा यात्रा प्रारंभ करते हुए

देश के वीर शहीदों की वेशभूषा में तिरंगा यात्रा में

तिरंगा यात्रा प्रारंभ करने से पूर्व ग्रुप फ़ोटो

जय हिंद

डॉ शिवपाल सिंह राज्य मुख्यालय आयुक्त उत्तर प्रदेश

हिंदुस्तान स्काउट्स एसोसिएशन उत्तर प्रदेश (1928) के संस्थापक पंडित श्रीराम वाजपेई का जन्म दिन धूम धाम से मनाया गया ।

रोवर्स एंड रेंजर्स कैम्प शामली जनपद

Scout Ratna Award 2022

Termination Letter of Ram Kumar Tiwari

Termination Letter of Neetu Sagar

Termination Letter of Ankit Kumar/Ankit Choudhary

Termination Letter of Abhishek Mathur

Scout moment

Foundation Day Celebration सेवा में समस्त राज्य पदाधिकारी/ राज्य संगठन आयुक्त/ सहायक संगठन आयुक्त/कोर कमेटी सदस्य । विषय:- राज्य की वार्षिक बैठक के संबंध में महोदय/महोदया आप सभी को अवगत कराया जाता है

HSG उत्तर प्रदेश व उत्तराखंड की ओर से समस्त प्रदेश व देश वासियों को HSG स्थापना दिवस की बहुत बहुत बधाई ।

भारत गणराज्य की 15वीं व देश की प्रथम आदिवासी महिला #श्रीमती_द्रौपदी_मुर्मू जी को भारत की राष्ट्रपति बनने पर हिंदुस्तान स्काउट्स एंड गाइड्स की ओर से हार्दिक बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएं।

The elections to choose some positions of the next World Council that will work in the term 2022 - 2027 has ended. The result of the elections is as follows: ✅ Klaus Tegeder – President ✅ Silvana Si

हरियाणा राज्य हिंदुस्तान स्काउट्स एंड गाइड्स के आधार स्तम्भ श्री सुदेश शर्मा जी के देहांत की खबर सुनकर बहुत दुख हुआ । भगवान से प्रार्थना है उनकी आत्मा को शांति प्रदान करे परिवार को यह दुख सहन करने की

*शारीरिक,मानसिक रूप से तैयार कर देशभगत बनाना ही हिंदुस्तान स्काउट्स का मुख्य कर्तव्य -एल टी मनोज सिन्धी* नागल स0पुर- हिंदुस्तान स्काउट्स एंड गाइड्स एसोसिएशन उत्तर प्रदेश व युवा कार्यक्रम के सामूहिक क

हिमांशु सक्सेना प्रादेशिक संगठन आयुक्त (स्काउट) उ०प्र० हिंदुस्तान स्काउट्स एंड गाइड एसोसिएशन उत्तर प्रदेश

अलका मिश्रा सहायक प्रादेशिक संगठन आयुक्त (गाइड) बरेली मंडल बरेली

सुबोध कुमार अग्रवाल मंडल मुख्यालय कमिश्नर बरेली मंडल बरेली

श्री जेoसी पालीवाल प्रदेश संरक्षण (उoप्र) हिंदुस्तान स्काउट्स एंड गाइड एसोसिएशन उत्तर प्रदेश

हिंदुस्तान स्काउट्स एंड गाइड्स एसोसिएशन उत्तर प्रदेश द्वारा बरेली मण्डल में सिंगल यूज प्लास्टिक पर अवेयरनेस जनजागरूकता रैली

HSG कैम्प का उद्धघाटन करते हुए

Gone Home

युवावों को अग्निपथ को समझना होगा ।

6 day summer scouts camp 2022














World Bicycle Day





Latest Activity

About Hindustan Scouts Association:-
Hindustan Scouts Association has been the first Scouts organization of the country. It is also called Mother Scouting of the country. It is an institution established under the patronage of the first patron Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya and established by Shri Ram Vajpayee, the founder but it was done in Uttar Pradesh in 1928 before independence.
After independence, it was re-established in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh by Shri Kailash Chand Jain, Shri Srinivas Sharma, Shri Ishwar Dayal Saini, Shri Brij Bhushan Verma, Shri Arun Jain, Manmohan Kumar, Manoj Sindhi, JC Paliwal, etc. to expand the organization played a major role.

Name of the Association :- Hindustan Scouts & Guides Association UP

1.  Registered Office :-

The registered office of the Society named Hindustan Scouts & Guides remain in India and present it is at Meerut,
State Head Quarters:-  pushpanjali Vihar, Near Shiv Mandir Janta Road,Saharanpur 247001

2.  Area :-

Area of the Association shall be confined to the area of the whole UP 

3.  Character :-

This Association is a Society registered under The Society Registration Act XXI of 1860 and is a non-political, non-sectarian, non-communal, non-profitable Educational Organization in character. It is open to all without distinction of origin, race or creed.

4.  Purpose :-

The purpose of our Society is to contribute to mental, physical, and spiritual development of youth to make then complete and perfect human being through scouting/guiding. As scouts/guides, the young boys/girls may undertake lots of activities relating to Community Development, Social-Service, Adventure Activities, Yoga, All faith Meditation, Environmental Conservation, Vocational skills, National Integration, Sprit of Patriotism, Brotherhood, Loyalty, Discipline and Leadership qualities etc. These activities enable young people in making them good citizens.

5.  History of Scouting & Guiding :-

What Is Scouting > In our opinion Scouting is not only a physical exercise but it is a way to uplift the soul of a human being to reach to god. It is a play way method of building a person to a perfect human being from the childhood to the time of going home of god. Once a Scout always Scout.

Origin of Scouting Guiding > originally Scout word is taken from Military. Military of every Country has Scout wing. A retired top British Military officer named Sir Robert Stephenson Smyth Lord Baden Powell won famous boar war of South Africa with the assistance of boys of Military person in 1900. He wrote a book named “ Aid’s to Scouting”. It was very much liked by youth Associations in England. After wards in 1907 he wrote an important famous book “Scouting for Boy’s”. It caused the origin of Scouting in the World. After retirement he held an experimental, but successful training camp in Broun sea Island in England, from 29-07-1907 to 09-10-1907 with 22 boys. It was the beginning of Scouting for Boys.

For girls it began in 1910 under the Leadership of Lord Baden Powell’s unmarried sister Anges Baden Powell with name of “Girl Scouting”. After 2 years when Anges was married on the other hand Lord Baden Powell married with Miss Olave in 1912, She took charge of Girl Scouting and change its name into “Girl Guiding”. Even to say both names are running. The world Organization is called “World Boy Scouts & Girl Guides Associations”

Scouting in India > Scouting came in India under the banner “Boys Scouts of India” in 1909 and Girl Guiding in 1913 but they were ment only for European and Anglo Indian boys and girls.

The doors of these organizations were never opened for Indians boys and girls. There was resentment in Indians for it and 1921, when World Chief Scout Lord Baden Powell came to India, under the Leadership of Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya, a well-known Leader of India, he was approved and requested to open the doors for Indian boys and girls but he refused brutally. It was published in newspapers all around the World it was disclosed and due to great resentment in Indians, new Scout troop were being opened through out of India. Till 1928 about 9 troop new troop were working in the field. Even Dr. Anniebasent an English Lady working with Mahatma Gandhi ji opened a Girl Company in Madras.

In 1928 Pt Madan Mohan Malviya requested all Indian groups to come under one Banner. They agreed and new National Association named “ HINDUSTA SCOUTS ASSOCIATION” , came in existence and Pt Shri Ram Bajpai, who run “Sewa Smiti Scouts Group and prepared Indian literature for the same, were appointed 1st National Organizing Commissioner of Hindustan Scout Association, under the Leadership of Sewa Shri Pt Madan Mohan Malviya and Pt. Hridya Nath Kunjroo, Vivian Bose, G.S. Arundale, Mohan Singh Mehta, and several other prominent figures of India.

An Extra Ordinary Incident >1938 Lord Baden Powell, World Chief Scout again came India and these was a grand Rally at Allahabad orgnised by Boy Scouts of India. Pt. Shri Ram Bajpai also attended it with a group Hindustan Scouts Association in uniform when Lord Baden Powell, as Chief Guest tried to hoist the flag, it was not opened. When English Scouts & Scouters failed to make it unfurled, Pt Shri Ram Bajpai asked his Scout to climb the pole to make it ready to be unfurled. The Hindustani Scout climbed the pole but suddenly as he reached the upper part of the pole, the pole was broken nd the Scout failed down with the broken piece. He again climbed the pole with broken piece of the pole and his Scout rope. He lashed it with the fixed piece of the pole with his Scout rope. He made the flag fit to be unfurled. He got down and saluted to Pt. Shri Ram Bajpai. Pt. Shri Ram Bajpai requested Lord Baden Powell to unfurled the flag it was ready. Lord Baden Powell hoisted the flag and praised the Indian Scout for his direful deed. In his speech he withdrew his words spoken in 1921 for Indians and requested Viceroy of India to recognized Hindustan Scout Association at National level with Govt. Grant- In-Aid. He also asked the Viceroy to depute Pt. Shri Ram Bajpai to attend the Wood Badge Trg. Camp at Gillwill Park (England) with Govt.


Hindustan Scouts & Guides Association - 
Hindustan Scouts and Guides now presenting before you the Boy and Girl Programme-Pragatisheel Prashikshan which has been duly approved by’ the National Training team and National council. You are therefore now requested to adhere to this. The tests of various stages have also been incorporated in the is upto you. How you carry its out taking rules and regulation into consideration. Please see that each boy or girl who has been invested in the movement should keep the test card according to the age group and should progress accordingly. He or she should not stay at one stage more than one year. He/She should be trained and encouraged for the next stage. The Branch Associations are also requested to arrange for their badges and special proficiency badges, so that interest of boy & girl is continued. They are also requested to contact their ‘State Training Commissioner’ for training camps and Training Instructors’.

The Scouters and Guiders should be very particular in sending the ‘Annual Reports’ along with their census to their Distt. Associations and Distt. Associations to the State Head Quarters and S.H.Q. in turn to N.H.Q. On qualifying the HEERAK/GURU PAD Distt. Association should register the name of scouts/ Guides who are qualified and preparing for Rajya Puraskar and President Award. We have added Yoga with all faith Meditation in this programme due to the demand of the time, research and its good results. Our thanks are specially due to our Hon’ble Guru Sh. K.C. Jain, National Trg. Commissioner(S) Meerut (U.P.) and Usha Jain, National Trg. Commissioner(G) Delhi for taking this heavy job in preparing this. 

Advancement of A cub / bulbul Period Age (6 to 10+ years)

Steps :-

Praveshika, 3 months
Rajat Kiran, 6 months
Swarn Kiran 6 months
Heerak Kiran 9 months.
Rajya Puraskar 7 months.
Advancement of A scout / guide Period Age (11 to 17+ yrs.)

Steps :-

Praveshika 3 months.
Rajat/Komal Pad 6 months.
Swarn/Dhruv Pad 9 months
Heerak/Guru Pad 9 months
Rajya Puraskar 12 months
President Award 6 months
Extra Proficiency Badges (Extra)
Advancement of A Rover/Ranger Period Age (17 to 35)

Steps :-

a) Praveshika Rover/Ranger 3 months.
b) Rajat Sitara, 6 months.
c) Swarn Sitara, 9 months
d) Heerak Sitara 12 months
President Rover/Ranger Award, 12 months
Rover/Ranger Proficiency Badges.
IN SERVICE (as a member) 10 yrs. 25-35 yrs.
Requirement (Period – Three months)

Be told the first Jungle story. (for Cubs) Be told the story of Tara (for Bulbuls)
Understand the meaning of Cub/Bulbul Law, Promise, Motto, Prayer and Bulbuls six-songs.
Demonstrate correctly smiling, cub/bulbul salute and left handshake.
Do a daily Good-turn at home.
Grand Howl (for Cubs), Grand Salute (for Bulbul)
Whistle and Hand Signals.
Note:- After qualifying Praveshika the Cubmaster/Flokleader will arrange the investiture ceremony for Girls and Boys to become a Cub/Bulbul.

Rajat Kiran
Requirement (Period – 6 months.)

Know how to keep personal belongings (clothes, shoes, uniform etc) neat and tidy and be able to sew buttons on garments.
Learn to pray before meals.
Do daily Good-turn at home and at school.
Do Vajrasan, two B.P. Exercises -Toe touching and Knee bending and meditation.
Be able to tell time by clock.
Demonstrate any two of the following :-
a. Somersault b. Leaf Prog. c. Hopping
d. Skipping e. Throwing and catching the ball.
Make a useful thing or make a collection of 10 different leaves 5 flowers and tell the name of each.
Demonstrate any three of the following :-
a. Ride a bicycle safely
b. Keep the place neat & clean
c. Use a telephone
d. Have knowledge of the prominent person in your neibourhood.
e. Know the home address of your Cub-master/Flock-leader, members of your six (Toli).
f. Write address and affix stamps on an envelop for posting.
Be able to sing any prayer.
Be able to sing flag song and National Anthem.
Note:- After qualify the Rajat Kiran Test award the Badge/Certificate.

Swarn Kiran
Requirement :-

Prepare a handicraft out of waste material.
Know the health rules, shashankasan, Tadasan and Padmasan /Another Two B.P. exercise and Meditation
Tie a Reef Knot and clove hitch knot and show their uses.
First aid of a simple wound.
Be told the 4th & 5th jungle stories/Bal Shaheed Story (for cubs) b. Two stories from Bulbul Stories/ Bal Shaheed Story (for Bulbuls),
Do good turns under the guidance of your Cub master/flock leader along with your six (Toli).
Know the eight principal points of compass.
Knowledge of flags – National flags, Scout – Guide flag, World Scout – Guide flag(WFIS).
Play games – Balance games, 3 sense games and 3 jungle games for Cubs / Bulbuls.
Demonstrate any three of the following :-
Trimming, Light and put off a hurricane lentern or change the electric bulb,
Run for five minute on foot/on cycle for three minutes and deliver the twelve words verbal message correctly,
Sow seeds and grow a plant. Take care it for three months.
Draw or paint a picture of any subject of your choice or Be able to preserve things.
Make your own bed daily for atleast a month,
Follow a trail not less than one kilometer/participate in a half day hike.
Participate in one day/over night camp with pack/flock.
Know about the care to be taken of little, sharp and valuable thing in the house.
Note:- After qualify the Swarn Kiran Test award the Badge/Certificate.

Heerak Kiran
Requirements :-

Handicraft-make a useful thing.
Open a small savings Account in post office or bank or Sanchaika.
Grow two plants and care them atleast for six months.
Earn one proficiency badge from each group. I
First-Aider/Guider/House orderly/world conservation Badge.
Collector/ Gardener/ Observer.
Athlete/Cyclist/Team player/ Swimmer.
Artist/Cook/Home craft/Toymaker/Entertainer/Needle worker
Participate in pack/flock expedition.
Participate in a pack/flock good-turn activity by adopting a public/religious/historical place.
Participate in over night camp during this Test.
Be able to use the sheet Bend, Fisherman knot and one round and two half hitches.
Have the knowledge of your colony/village/town & State.
Know to welcome and receive a guest in a Social way.
Note :- After qualifying the test of Heerak Kiran, Cub/Bulbul may select for Rajya Puraskar Camp. So the Unit Leader should send the qualified Cub/Bulbul name list to Distt./State Headquarters Through proper channel.

Rajya Puraskar

Participation in one day Hike.
Participation in one weekend Camp.
Collection of leaves of five plants/herbs which are useful in medicine and paste them in log-book.
Participation in any one National Day function.
Participation in any Distt./State/National Camp or Rally.
Earn any 4 Proficiency Badges :-
Home craft
Drawing a picture on Environment or Natural scenary.
Participate in a Service Camp.
Revision of Yoga/Meditation/exercise upto Heerak Kiran.
Note :- All participants will submit their note/log books to Rajya Puraskar.

Scout/Guide Section – (Age Group- 11 to 17+)
Subject Timing
Praveshika :- Requirements (Period – 3 months)

Knowledge of Scouting/Guiding of Hindustan Scouts & Guides Association
Hindustan Scouts & Guides Prayer and lag Song.
Knowledge of Scout/Guide Law & Promise.
Scout/Guide Motto, Sign, Salute, Left hand shake and Emblem.
Scout/Guide Uniform and how to wear it.
Know the whistle and hand signals.
Know the significance of Hindustan Scouts & Guides and National Flag.
Learn and sing the National Anthem, Vande Matram and Sare Jahan se Achchha…..
Do a good turn for 30 days and keep the record.
Exercise and Yoga
Learn proper way of breathing and exercise for breathing, eyes, neck, hands and shoulders
Perform any 4 Aasans- Vajrasan, Padmasan, Tadasan, Shavasan.
Laughing, Smiling and Silence for one hour weekly.
Life of two great men of India.
Note:- After completion of Praveshika the Unit Leader(Scout Master/Guide Captain) will arrange the investiture for boys/girls to become a Scout/Guide.

Rajat Pad– Requirement (Period 6 months.)

Completed the Praveshika Test.
Know the Patrol system, its organization, patrol corner, flag, yell, song, voice, library, record and patrol meetings.
Know about 16 directions by compass.
Know the flag ceremony and its practice.
Know the woodcraft signs.
Learn and practice of whipping & the following knots:-
Reef knot, sheet-band, clove hitch, sheep shank, fisherman knot, thumb knot.

Know the rules of health.
Knowledge about the first aid box.
Triangular Bandages and their uses.
Render first aid for scratches, burns, cuts, bleeding from the nose & sprains.
Know the use of staff.
Practice of simple drill and with staff.
One day 4 k.m. Patrol hike.
Make a use-ful handicraft or gadget.
Participate in wide games and sense training game.
Do a good turn daily for 40 days and enter in your note-book.
Participate in cleanliness campaign in your locality or school for five days.
Participate in all faith prayers.
Exercise and Yoga ;-
Exercise for chest and stomach.
Perform & Practise any four Asans-dhanurasan, Garudsan, kagasan, Gorakshan, Paschimotasan, Sithilasan and perform and practice- Surya Namaskar.
Know the life history of three great men and write in your note-book.
Swarn Pad :- Requirement (9 Month)

Pioneering ( Knots and Lashing)
Timber hitch, veiling, liver hitch, bowline one round and two half hitches.
Sheer/parallel lashing, square lashing, figure of eight lashing, diagonal lashing.
Make improvised shelter.
First Aid
Kinds of badges and their uses.
Learn and demonstrate improvised stature and carrying methods.
Throw life line for 14 meters.
Render first aid for sunstroke something fall in the eyes, blister on heal &stings.
Lay and light a wood-fire with not more than two match sticks.
Know about light of kerosene/Gas stove, its cleaning and safety precautions with leakage of gas.
Putting out the fire by various methods.
Cooking :- Prepare tea, breakfast, lunch and dinner for your patrol with the help of your patrol members.
Self measurement (i.e. Hand, Arm, Foot and other parts of the body etc.)
Estimation of width, distance & height with the help of Scout scaff or other materials.
By Scout/Guide pace cross two K.M. way
Direction and basic knowledge of map
Be able to find out the North direction at night time with the help of stars.
Be able to identify the direction by conventional methods and by watch.
Signaling :- Know and demonstrate the signaling of MAMOMA Semaphore MORSE (by flag)
Participate in a 10 K.M. hike for nature study and write in your note-book.
Complete any two projects from the following and write in your note-book :-
Render social service in a Mela. Holly place, Hospital, Bus-stand/Railway station etc. for 12 hours.
Participate in cleanliness campaign at least 12 hours.
Help in solving the pollution problems in your school or locality.
Study and collection with illustration of our culture or locality and heritage.
Undertake a development project in your school, locality with your patrol with permission from the head of institution/local authorities and adopt a park/holly place/village/slum/water spot/public place to maintain the same for one month and educate the users of its importance and maintaining the same.
Exercise and Yoga
Scouts exercise
What is Sat Karm. Know about Kunjal.
Exercise of legs and hands.
Perform and practice any 4 Yogasan- Katichakrasan, Pawan Muktasan, Bhujangasan, Makarasan, Shavasan.
Participate in a all faith prayer programme.
Earn any 3 proficiency badges
Friend to animal
Community Singer
Home Service (Guide)
Rangoli (Guide)
Heerak Pad :- Requirement (12 Month)

Eligibility- Dhruv Pad qualified.
Know and demonstrate about artificial respiration.
Know the main parts of the human body
Deal with simple fracture of collar bone, leg, arm and jaw.
Know the pressure point and how stop its bleeding.
Render first aid for shock, fainting, electric shock and choking.
Camp Crafts and Pioneering
Revision of lashings.
Tie and practice- Draw hitch, liver hitch, man harness knot, chair knot, bowline on the bite.
Know the tools of camp and their uses.
Pitching, string and packing a tent or improvise shelter.
Learn and make any two patrol pioneering project with your patrol
Two rope bridge
Ladder bridge
Monkey bridge
Suspension bridge
Swinging derrick
Signaling tower
Signaling :- Practice of sending & receiving message containing at least 30 words through Morse/Mamoma/Semaphore (in Hindi or English).
Estimation:- Know and practice of different estimation methods of width, length and height etc. not more than 30 mtrs. And for weight not more than 2 K.G..
Mapping :-
Making and reading of Map
Making Route map.
Know the concessional signs of map.
Be able to read a tourist or survey of India map etc.
Hike :-
Participate in a cycle hike for 30 K.M. or a hike on foot for 10 K.M. with your patrol (for Scout).
Participate in a cycle hike for 20 K.M. or a hike on foot for 8 K.M. with your patrol (for Guide).
Camp :- Participate in three nights camp and write its reports in your note-book.
Earn any 3 proficiency badges not earn earlier :-
Path finder
Folk dancer
Computer Awareness
Exercise and Yoga :-
Perform and practice these asans- Konasan, Uttanpad asan, Shalabhasan, Sarvongasan, Supt Vajrasan and Shavasan
Pranayam :- Sheetali or Nadi Shodhan.
Participate in all faith Meditation
Learn repair Hand pump, taps, Gas stove, kerosene stove, caning, chair/coat.
Note :- Test should be given of 2 only.

Knowledge :- Know about the two states its life and culture and write in your log-book.
Rajya Puraskar :- Requirement (6 Month)

Eligibility- Guru Pad
Participate in 3 day Pradeshik Puraskar test camp which will be organized by State.
Undertake and render social service on any place for 12 hours and write in your log i.e. Holly place, village, slum, colony, mela, religion procession, hospital, railway station and bus-stand.
Take a project on any one from the following and note in your log-book:-
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
Exercise and Yoga :- Test of Dhruv Pad Yoga and Exercise.
Qualify any 4 proficiency badges
Social worker
Leprosy control
Environment protector
Village worker
Games Leader
Child nurse (Guide)
Sanitation promoter
Population educator
Nutrition educator

Examiner for proficiency badges be appointed by State Headquarters, Distt. Headquarters, appoint the examiner with the consent of State Trg. Commissioner.
The Pradeshik Puraskar badge shall he wear on the left arm in place of Guru Pad badge.
Log-book, Certificate regarding 2,3,4,5,6 will be produced in Test camp
Proficiency badges camp may be organized subject specialist should he/she invited
A guide can start working for Proficiency Badges at any time after investiture and continue working for them till she completes the guide age even, after gaining the President Award – Guide.

PRAVESHIKA:Requirements (Period – 3 months)

Knowledge of Scouting/Guiding of Hindustan Scouts & Guides Association
Hindustan Scouts & Guides Prayer and flag Song.
Knowledge of Scout/Guide Law & Promise.
Scout/Guide Motto, Sign, Salute, Left hand shake and Emblem.
Scout/Guide Uniform and how to wear it.
Know the whistle and hand signals.
Know the significance of Hindustan Scouts & Guides and National Flag.
Learn and sing the National Anthem, Vande Matram and Sare Jahan se Achchha…..
Do a good turn for 30 days and keep the record.
Exercise and Yoga
Learn proper way of breathing and exercise for breathing, eyes, neck, hands and shoulders
Perform any 4 Aasans- Vajrasan, Padmasan, Tadasan, Shavasan.
Laughing, Smiling and Silence for one hour weekly.
Life of two great men of India.
Note:- After completion of Praveshika the Unit Leader(Scout Master/Guide Captain) will arrange the investiture for boys/girls to become a Scout/Guide.

Rajat Sitara

Work for a happy family by accepting family job that helps to relieve hard working members of your family.
Develop in consultation with the Rover scout Leader/Ranger leader a taste for hobbies/vocational activities and show that you are progressing in time.
Participate in group discussions of your Crea/Team adn chair at least two.
Take active part in Hobbies/Handicraft centre organised by the Crew/Team.
Prepare a paper/Talk on pollution education/ family life education and submit it to the Crew/Team council.
Attend atleast three prayer meetings of your Crew/ Team, or Participate in a service camp for one day.
Render sustained service in a pack/Flock or a troop/company or a camp site for a period of three months.
Have knowledge in pioneering, camping and first Aid upto Tritiya pad Level in Scout/Guide section.
Organise games for children in your mohalla/ Village/ Colony for about a month or Conduct competition for children preferably of your locality on a conservation subject.
Qualify for any one of the proficiency Badges. 1. Literacy 2. Sanitation promoter 3. Blood Donor. 4. Population Education 5. World friendship
Note :- 

a) On completion of the test to the satisfaction of the independent examiner appointed by Z.A./ D.A/R.A. as the case may be with approval of the Distt. Trg. Commissioner. ‘KUSHAL Badge’ to issued on the basis of certificates issued by the examiners. 
b) KUSHAL badge is a pair of green shoulder flashes of cotton/wool with letter R in Red at bottom and a yellow bar under the letter. 
c) The badge shall be worn on shoulder straps (epaulets).

DAKSHBADGE Requirements :-

Show of rights and duties of a citizen and discuss in your crew/Team council the problems involved in them.
Show further progress in your hobbies and handicrafts/vocational skills or Study the books on Transactional Analysis or Participate in a group discussion on Transactional Analysis and correct yourself and your behavior with others and satisfy yourself and your unit leader.
Prepare a paper or give talk on religious tolerance or participate in any religious function other than of your own and report to the Rover/Ranger Leader or Crew./Team council.
Adopt a building/structure/place/institution of public importance and look to its upkeep for a month or observe brewing place of mosquitoes and flies and take possible steps for removal. (Rovers).Plan and work for a project atleast for a month in consultation with your Ranger leader to help children/aged/disabled/sick person (for Rangers)
Participate in your Crew/Team compaign to educate people in protecting public properties.
Take up any cultural subject as approved by the crew council and report.
Help establish a literacy centre and work for a month. or help 6 people to start saving bank accounts or work as tutor atleast 5 boys/girls during their examinations.
Help in one of the following:-a. Blood Donation campaign
b. Eye Donation campaign
c. AIDS awareness campaign
d. Population Education campaign
e. Immunization camps
f. Free Eye operation camps.
Work as an Assistant in a pack/scout camp or Rally, (for Rovers) work as an assistant in a flock/Guide camp or a Zonal/Distt. Regional Rally.
Qualify for Rambler’s Badge or Ecologist Badge, (for Rovers)Qualify for Rural worker/community worker/Ecologist badge for Rangers.
Note :- 

a. On completion of the test to the satisfaction of independent examiners appointed by the zonal/ distt./regional Association, as the case may be, on approval of Distt. Trg. Commissioner, Daksh Badge is issued by the Z.A./Distt. A/R.A. on the basis of the certificates issued by the examiners.
b. ‘DAKSH1 Badge is a pair of shoulder flashes in green of cotton or wool with letter ‘R’ in red at the bottom and two’ yellow bars under the letter. 
c. The badge is worn in place of’ KUSHAL’ BADGE.

PRESIDENT ROVER/RANGER AWARD (Period 1 Year) Requirements :-

Have completed the age of 19 yrs-
Select on subject connected with world affiars, National affaris, cultural subjects Scout/ Guide craft & hobbies or handicrafts* or sports.World organisation working for the betterment of the humanity/Youth Organisations in the world/different foundation/World Bank/World Service Organisation, or National Affairs like our Government/National Development plans and scheme/National Educational Pattern/Service Organisation/cooperatives. Submit the report within the 6 months to crew council/Team council.
Discuss with your Rover/Ranger Leader how best you can help your country/community and prepare priorities.
Participate in a cross country over night Adventure hike.
Promote a community Development project on Health or Food Production or Nutrition or Environmental sanitation Programme in your locality or any other locality and show the success to the council (of Rovers/Rangers)
Lead a small contingent of Rovers/Ranger of your Crew/Team to participate in a Scout/Guide activity preferably in neighboring State or district.
Render service atleast for a week for a State/ National Events.
Organise a community signing programme for the children in the locality. Develop Pen friendship with Rovers/Ranger of other states and prove that friendship is mutually useful.
Organise sustained ‘Traffic Control’ or ‘Letter Chase’ or’ Conservation campaign in your locality for three months’ or promote and participate in a joint project undertaken with any of the organisation such as :-a. Lion Club b. Rotary Club c. Indian Red cross d. St. Jhon Ambulance Association e. Youth Hostels Association f. Jaycees or any such organisation with permission of the crew/team council.
Qualify for any one of the proficiency badge from each group :-
Group A

Blood Donor
Soil Conservation
Civil Defense
World Conservation
Community worker
Group B

Home Nurse
Public Healthman
Group C

Family life Education
Personality Development
Folk life
Population Education.
Note :-

President Rover/Ranger Award the highest and unique distinction in the movement. 
* As a Daksha Rover/Ranger, he/she will work atleast for one year to qualify for the President Rover/Ranger Award. 
* A Rover/Ranger is not eligible to qualify for President Rover/Ranger Award on completion of 25 years of age. 
* Rover Scout Leader/Ranger leader shall inform the N.H.Q. through proper channel on a registration form available at the State Head Quarters that Daksh Rover/Ranger is preparing for this badge. 
* On completion of the tests to the satisfaction of independent examiners appointed by Z.A./D.A./ R.A., on approval of D.T.C. Daksh Rover/Rnager will send the prescribed Performa. 
* The National Commissioner shall approve this Award on the basis of certificates of the examiners and on the recommendation of the Crew/Team Council, the concerned D.C. and the State Chief Commissioners.

The President Rover/Ranger Award Badge is worn on the left arm. 
Rover-Ranger Proficiency Badges

Blood Donor
Civil Defense
Self Defense
Community Worker
Folk Life
Education for All
Population Education
Soil Conservation
World Conservation
World Friendship
Personality Development
Sanitation Promoter
Family Life Education
Healthy man
Home Nurse
Public Health man
Ambulance Man
Ambulance (Ranger)
Crafts Man/Woman

On the completion of 21 years of age, Rover should take up responsibility of Adult Leadership in the movement. Taking the responsibility in Ranger Section the age will 25 years.
During the Rover/ranger state the Rover/ Ranger will participate in various service projects taken up by the the Crew; However on completion of Rover/Ranger stage he/she will embark upon definite jobs of service to the community either within or outside the movement.
The service project under taken by the Rover/ Ranger individually or in groups will be of sustained nature and a record of it will be maintained by the Crew/Team.
Hikes, Trecks and camps rules for Rover/ Rnager will be same as Scout/Guide section.

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